Tuesday, April 27, 2010

While doing research for my paper on why Western religions oppress women

Defining sin’s religious dimension as rebellion against God and its moral dimension as pride, Niebuhr not only fails to convey the nature of women’s sin, however; he actually turns it into a virtue. If self-centeredness is a sin, then the sacrifices of a woman like Lessing’s Kate Brown, who constantly attends to the “miniscule wants, demands, and the needs,” of her family to the neglect of herself, become marks of a life of traditional Christian piety. …He is aware of the ways in which self-sacrifice can represent a subtle bid for power or become a tool through which to manipulate a family. But for him, these ambiguities do not indicate a destructive element in the nature of self-sacrifice. They simply exemplify the paradoxical nature of grace in human history whereby the extension of possibilities for good involves equal extension of possibilities for evil.
-Excerpt from Sex, Sin and Grace: Women's Experience and the Theologies of Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich by Judith Plaskow, page 151-152.

I find that very interesting, infuriating, and also very true. I do not have any followers, but once I do - any thoughts regarding the above?

ALSO- I absolutely refuse to be born from Adam's rib. What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? Women are the mothers, I was not birthed from the "godlier" of the two sexes, no thank you. While many believe the woman is only on this planet in order to be fertile, there are many women who are not even attracted to men! Yeah, God, what do you say to that? Are those women to be submitted into purgatory at once?
God, I hate religion.


  1. "Where would Tina Turner be if she rolled over and said, 'Hit me again Ike! And put some steak on it!' - rollin' on the river, that's where she'd be. But she's beyond Thunderdome because she decided to send a message. 'Wake up sisters, there's NOOOOOOOOO such thing as a weaker sex'!" - Jim Carry (Liar Liar).
