Friday, December 31, 2010

Intro for Train Tribe

The Train Tribe (Intro) from Sara Sebastian on Vimeo.

This is (most likely with a few more edits) the first 4:08 of my expected 45 minute, 60 minute, and 90 minute documentary. (I am creating three versions). Let me know what you think!

-This has been edited a bit more!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Pride Overdose

What happens when pride rules over your gut feeling:
You confuse your self-worth with pride and think you deserve rainbows every morning.
"I am right," is a little anthem thumping through your brain.
You ask for advice from other people who don't exactly know the situation and you blindly follow their thoughts; as their thoughts empower you to numbness and easiness.

What happens when you have just enough pride:
A little bit of sacrifice happens, followed by a whole lotta rest.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My documentary, The Train Tribe, in fourth month of editing process

Hello beloved friends, acquaintances, and strangers,
I suppose I should start getting people excited to see my film. The anticipation plays a big part, right?
Here are some photos of my train trip, and some stills. In my next post, I will have a link to my vimeo page so you can see a possible trailer-esque vid.
Realistically, this film will never be completed. There are just so many ways to edit it! But hopefully this will be up and ready to go by February 25th 2011. My other goal is December 31st 2010.